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New Year, Who Dis?

New year, fresh start, new vision...


Well, we made it! 2017 was a great year for us here at Interior 4:13. We got to continue bringing you content and helping you get the most of your home decor needs and for that we are SO grateful. It has truly been amazing to witness the support and feedback we’ve gotten thus far and we encourage you to keep it coming! The more we hear from you, the more we’re able to deliver the best possible product. Thank you for trusting in our vision!

2018. Can you believe it? Back in the day we imagined all kinds of crazy things about the 2000’s (y2k and flying cars anyone?) and yet here we are. We don’t have flying cars just yet, but we do have jetpacks and Roombas so I’d say the 2000’s are pretty sweet in spite of lol.

Many people take advantage of the feelings of renewal and refreshment that come with the changing of the calendar year, and we are no exception. The new year is an opportunity for a reset, a cleansing of the past and a chance to start over. What better way to step into the new year than to set new goals for yourself in all areas of life? Here at Interior 4:13, we believe in keeping things fresh so we want to help you compile a list of your home decor goals and inspire you to take risks in the new year.



What is the overall vision you have for your home? How do you want others to feel when they enter your space? These can seem like very broad questions, and they are! Once you know your “big picture” plans for your space you can begin to strategize ways to carry out the plan little by little.

2. START small.

I’re thinking, “But you JUST said to think big, MAKE UP YOUR MIND WOMAN!” hear me out. If you’ve ever seen Matilda you know about the scene with Bruce and the chocolate cake, (and if you haven’t we’re sort of judging you...seriously go watch it, its iconic.) You know that the only way he took down that massive cake was to eat it one. bite. at. a. time. That’s the approach we want you to take with your home goals. You know the big picture, now lets work on the small details to bring it all together!

  • Narrow down your favorite color combinations.

  • Select a style that best reflects your personality.

  • Find inspiration: magazine articles, Pinterest (one of our faves), even an article of clothing or an accessory that really “speaks” to you.

Design is in the details.


So now that you know what your big picture goals and small strategies are, give yourself a timeline to stick to to accomplish those goals. The worst part about New Year’s Resolutions is that we set these lofty and often unattainable goals for ourselves, and then when we stumble just the tiniest bit we become defeated and guilty. No more! Instead, give yourself a month-by-month or even a week-by-week goal to achieve in your home. This will allow you to see your goals spelled out in an easy to follow format. Use our free printable to help you list your ideas and tasks!

Download our FREE goal-setting printable...come on, you know you want to!


Having the home of your dreams isn’t impossible, and with these tips we hope you can get a jump start on creating the space you’ve always dreamed of. After all, we all deserve to come home to a place of peace and relaxation that is perfect for us. Let us know what exciting things you have planned for the year in the comments. We wish you all the wonderful things that 2018 has to offer!