Design Dilemmas...

DILEMMA OF THE WEEK: Cohesive Design

Whenever I discuss decor with any of my clients, there seems to be an underlying theme in all of their design dilemmas; they buy pieces they love, select colors that speak to their design sensibilities, but for some reason when they put all these things together there is absolutely no cohesion in their design and they end up hating it. Trust me, it happens! Gaining cohesive design may seem like an easy task, but many people struggle with just how to put their room together in a well thought out manner that translates to their specific taste.

Photo by Naphat_Jorjee/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Naphat_Jorjee/iStock / Getty Images

When beginning any design plan for your space there are three MAIN factors to consider; color palette, wood  tone, and metal finish.  These three elements will provide the foundation for your space and allow you to build your design into something that you can be proud of! Lets break each element down and discuss why it is important.


The thought of selecting a color is often anxiety-inducing for many of my clients as there are so many to choose from and many feel that once they make a decision, they are stuck with the finished product. 

When selecting color, it is important to first choose a neutral from which to build your palette. The most popular are of course, black, white, and gray but there are a host of other neutrals that you can choose as well. You must also take into account the fixed items in your room (flooring, doors, cabinetry, and hardware) as these will be a permanent part of room, unless you plan to change them of course. 

Once your neutral is selected, you may move on to selecting coordinating colors that will work with the overall scheme of the room. The color wheel is a handy tool that will allow you to choose colors that coordinate, NOT match.  See more here.



After selecting the perfect color palette, incorporating your wood tone elements is next. Be sure to take note of the existing wooden elements in your room, especially the ones we tend to overlook like the legs of furniture, table/ chair legs, etc. Again, having a grasp of the color wheel and how certain colors compliment each other will allow you to properly integrate your wood into the space. Deep ebony floors/ cabinets can be paired with cooler tones to create a high-contrast look, or warmer cherry toned wood with rich, warm neutrals will create a monochrome cozy space. 


Metals and wood often go hand in hand, so naturally the next step is to find metallic finishes that will compliment your choices of color and wood tone. Considering what the majority of your home has in the way of existing metallic finishes will be your guide, unless you plan on changing to a completely different finish altogether.

Cooler toned rooms will look great with silver/ gunmetal finishes, but also can benefit from the rich warmth of gold/ brass as well! Remember, this is all about what you feel looks best in your space so don't be shy about playing with various tones and finishes.


Now that you have your foundation, choosing patterned pieces that incorporate all three elements in some way will ensure that your room is tied together. The cowhide rug (below) perfectly combines the black and white elements in the room, while the wood flooring and wall provides warmth in the otherwise bright and cool space.

Creating cohesive design takes a bit of work, but if you're willing to put in the elbow grease you can create the space of your dreams. Hit the comments below and tell us your design dilemma and it could be featured on next week's post!