FENG SHUI: Simple Tips For Inviting Positive Energy Into Your Space


Feng Shui is the Chinese art or practice of creating harmonious surroundings that enhance the balance of yin and yang, as in arranging furniture or determining the siting of a house; to harmonize your energy with your home's energy, if you will. It can be said that our homes are a reflection of what is happening inside us, so by carefully selecting items that will occupy your space you can let the best possible energy flow through your home.


Since Feng Shui is all about energy, take note of all the items that occupy your space. Even inanimate objects hold energy so it is important to keep in mind how they will make you feel. Below are a few ways to ensure your home is a haven for positive energy and sound body and mind.


Take an assessment of what you have vs. what you need.

All those old shoes under your bed that are collecting dust, just waiting to be worn. Old clothes in the closet that have seen better days? All these things are adding stagnant energy into your home...GET RID OF THEM! Clearing your space of clutter is a time-consuming process, but it is a way to ensure that only items that have true value will remain. If you haven't used the item in over six months, it's time to let it go. Instead of throwing away the things you no longer have use for, consider donating them to your local shelter or nonprofit organization!

Photo by Tinatin1/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Tinatin1/iStock / Getty Images

Air and light.

Be sure to have the best possible air and light quality in your home. These two elements are essential to not only our very existence, but they also are vital to creating good feng shui energy, or "Qi" (Chi), in your home. Make the most of sunny days and let some sunlight into your space! The windows also symbolize your eyes to the world and we don't want to look through dirty lenses now do we? Grab your favorite cleaning products and give those windows the once over to get the maximum amount of light and views to the great outdoors. After cleaning, open windows to let breezes flow through your home (on days that permit of course) or buy air-purifying plants.

Photo by elenaleonova/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by elenaleonova/iStock / Getty Images

Consider furniture placement.

As we stated before, feng shui is all about harmony and the energy we create in our spaces so make sure that you take note of the placement of your furniture in the main areas of the home.


One of the biggest mistakes one can make in the living room is having an awkward layout that is not conducive to communication (ex: having furniture too far apart, all seating pushed against walls, etc.) Instead of making these mistakes, focus on creating intimate seating arrangements that invite people in.


Also, be sure that all hallways and walkways are free and clear of furniture, allowing for easier flow throughout the space. Ensuring each seat has a surface to place a book or drink will also add to the inviting feel. As far as table shape, harsh angles pointing at guests is not conducive to the qi, whereas oval or circular shapes allow for the free flow of energy. Mixing shapes creates a balance. Squares represent earth; rectangles, wood; triangles, fire. Round and oval items represent metal. The living room will feel most balanced if it includes all of them.


The bedroom is such an important part of the home as it is where we go to retire from a long day and recharge. The bed is the most important piece of furniture so it deserves the "commanding position" in the room. You ideally want to be facing the door, but not in line with the door while lying in bed. If this is not possible, place a mirror strategically to see the door while you lie in bed.

Also ensure the space under your bed is clear. It is believed that objects beneath the bed send out energy all night. So to protect your energy and your bedroom as your private sanctuary, keep this area free of clutter. Likewise, having too many electrical elements behind the bed will also inhibit rest due to the energy emitted from them. Keep lighting elements dim or battery operated if at all possible.

Photo by Kwanchai_Khammuean/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Kwanchai_Khammuean/iStock / Getty Images


The bathroom is important in feng shui because of the water element. When relating to feng shui, water is related to wealth and there is a great deal that flows through this area of our home. Be sure to keep the toilet seat cover down and the bathroom door closed to reduce the effect of wealth being "flushed away".



What is most important is how your space makes you feel...don't feel obligated to throw away all your belongings and start from scratch implementing every single element of feng shui. It's ok to make small changes and see what makes sense for the way you live your life. Its all about the ENERGY. Let us know if these small tricks worked for you! 
