PANTONE Color of the year: GREENERY

"Greenery is a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature’s greens revive, restore and renew..."

According to PANTONE, Greenery is "symbolic of new beginnings" and what better color to use in your decor for the coming year! This vibrant yellow-green is enough to shake up any drab color palette and bring a sense of life and freshness into your space. 

Greenery is about unity and community—connecting to oneself and others and a higher purpose, Nature.
— Laurie Pressman

With the advent of technology and the constant need to be 'connected' at all times, Greenery is meant to bring the consumer back to nature. To reflect and focus on what's real. To be present. What better color to use in your space to remind you to be mindful of the here and now? See the examples below as inspiration to bring Greenery into your own home or workspace!