Design Dilemmas...

Photo by alphaspirit/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by alphaspirit/iStock / Getty Images

We've all been there. Staring at a huge white wall, a big empty room, wondering just where the heck to start?! What color to choose? Is this picture hung straight? What if I hate everything I bought? What if this color clashes with the pillows I just bought? 

RELAX! It's totally normal to be overwhelmed when decorating (or redecorating) a space. Change is hard for most people to embrace, and even HARDER when you have to make decisions on spaces that you spend the most time in. Luckily, this series is dedicated to helping calm that nagging voice in your head that tells you never to paint your walls that gorgeous dark purple you've been eyeing for weeks now (do it) but you just can't bring yourself to take the plunge. We got you.

DILEMMA OF THE WEEK: Hanging Pictures Evenly

Upon polling my Facebook friends on their biggest fears when decorating, one of the responses stuck out to me in particular. Hanging artwork was giving one of my friends the BLUES! The process of finding studs, hanging things level, and just general layout was troubling and keeping her from having any artwork displayed in her home.

Now I'm not sure about you, but art is so important to incorporate in all my spaces! Art is to cohesive design as accessories are to the perfect outfit, the jewelry of the room, if you will. It has been shown that art can boost mood, productivity, and a general sense of well-being, so we want to get it out of storage and onto our walls. Use this helpful video from IKEA Ideas to achieve perfectly museum-straight pictures every time!

Simple enough right? Hit the comments and let us know how this trick worked for you! What other dilemmas do you have that need solving? We'd love to hear from you!